When Your Dental Emergency Cannot Wait: Tewantin Dental Centre

You should not delay seeking professional help during a dental emergency. From persistent toothaches and a cracked tooth, to more severe cases like fractures or post-surgery complications, any type of dental emergency needs to be taken seriously.

At Tewantin Dental Centre, we believe that a patient in pain requires immediate attention. That is why we set aside emergency hours every day to handle any unforeseen dental situation that our patients may be suddenly faced with.

We are proud of our able team of dentists who are equipped to handle a variety of emergency situations. Our rigorous dental training puts us in good stead to address your emergency situation in a calm and professional manner.

At the same time, our vast experience dealing with emergency cases means that we’re able to quickly isolate the cause of the pain and provide fast relief to the patient as a priority. Only thereafter do we work out the best treatment options to achieve total cure and rehabilitation.

Are you on Tewantin, Noosa, Noosaville, Cooroy, Cootharaba, Sunshine Coast, or simply a holiday maker looking for emergency dental? We can help!

Are you experiencing a dental emergency at the moment? Please contact Tewantin Dental Centre immediately on (07) 5447 1361. Emergency appointments are available daily. If you need further assistance, please call now and we'll fit you in.

What To Do in a Dental Emergency

It may not always be possible to see your dentist right away when an emergency strikes, so here are some important stopgap measures you can use until you get to see a dentist.

Damaged Teeth (Knocked Out, Chipped)

If you have broken or chipped a tooth, do not panic. Give us a call to book an immediate emergency appointment. Where possible, try to locate the tooth and rinse the area of the mouth with a mild salt solution.

In the case of a knocked out tooth, place the tooth in a cup of milk. If the tooth is reinserted back into its original socket within the first two hours of being knocked out, it still has a high chance of survival.

Handy Tip for Children

If your child experiences dental trauma resulting in a lost tooth, then it’s imperative to contact us straight away. We will only have half an hour to re-install the natural tooth and sometimes this can also be ineffective because of trauma to the tooth root. For the best chance at keeping the natural tooth we recommend storing it in the hollow of your cheek or inside a glass of milk. It’s always better to prevent this occurrence with the use of a mouthguard because it will save you time, trauma, and money in the long run.

Pain (Toothache, Gum Pain)

This is one of the most common dental emergency cases. Tooth decays can cause sudden pain in your tooth without any prior warning. You may also experience jaw pain or pain from swollen gums – which are common symptoms of an infection.

Whatever the cause of the pain, you should not ignore it or self-medicate to relieve the pain temporarily – only to forget about it later. A painful tooth usually signals underlying dental problems. If left untreated, these painful problems can develop into more serious or even chronic issues later.

Before you get to see the dentist, you can try to relieve the pain by rinsing your mouth with a mild salt solution or applying cold compress on the affected area (outside your cheeks). If the pain is under control, you can call us to book an appointment for the day after.

Otherwise, it's important that you book an appointment as soon as you can, so the cause of the problem can be quickly identified and treated.

What to Do If You Are Experiencing a Toothache

Toothaches (or tooth pain) can often be caused when the nerve of a tooth is irritated, but there are many other causes. Other causes include gum disease, plaque, decay, infection, cracked teeth, loss of tooth, TMJ disorder, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea or poorly placed or leaking fillings or crowns.

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Facial Swelling

In general, most facial infections or swelling originate from oral infections. These infections can be caused by dental caries (or decay) that effect tooth pulp. Infected pulps may lead to abscesses (collections of pus causing infection) or pericoronitis (inflammation of soft tissue surrounding a tooth). Failure to administer early treatment may result in osteoperiostitis of the jaw or deep fascial space infection. It is vital to treat any facial swelling, in a timely manner.

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Teeth Sensitivity
Teeth sensitivity is typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Other causes of tooth sensitivity include cavities, cracked teeth or a side effect of other dental procedures, such as tooth whitening.

Broken Braces

If the broken braces are causing pain, check to see if you can gently remove the loose wires or brackets. Do not force remove the brace if you feel pain in the area when you gently nudge it with a finger – it may be stuck to your teeth or gums. For loose wires, you can apply orthodontic wax on the edge to prevent pain from the poking wire. Do not attempt to cut the wire braces with scissors of any kind, instead call us for an emergency appointment right away. The orthodontic appliance is made of tough stainless steel metal that is not so easily cut.

Contact Tewantin Dental Centre for Emergency Dentistry

Whatever your emergency scenario, it helps to keep the contact number of a trusted emergency dental service provider on your speed dial.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please contact Tewantin Dental Centre immediately on (07) 5447 1361. Emergency appointments are available daily.